The relationship between personality and mental health of employees Healthcare network in Golestan province
This study seeks to answer the fundamental question that any relationship between personality traits and mental health staff Healthcare network in Golestan province, there is a significant relationship? Methodology: The research method used descriptive, correlational survey. The population included all employees of commercial Healthcare network in Golestan province to 7500 people. The sample of the study to 356 people are using Morgan table and using simple random sampling, respectively. The research data were collected by library and field methods and tools used was a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha and validity have been confirmed by the content. The data analysis Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis using SPSS software is used. Results: The results show the personality and mental health of employees there is a significant relationship Healthcare network in Golestan province. Conclusion: Thus, according to the results of previous studies and the results obtained in this study, more attention on the character of the people And provide an environment where people feel mental health and greater adherence to the organization, can create the groundwork for better performance of employees and thus higher productivity in the organization.References
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