Ideological Derivations of Nazism and Its Subsequent Rise- An Analytical Study
The Article in hand is synoptic view of Nazism. Much has been written about the origin and various dimensions of this German movement as well as regarding its consolidation and decline. Methodology: It is very ironic that the most significant aspect relating to Nazism i.e. the basic factors and ideologies by which on one side Nazism gained popularity among masses but on the other hand these dry factors also caused its decline hardly attract any attention of historians. Results: Here an effort has been made to estimate and highlight these very factors which were both ingredients and components of Nazi Ideology which, in turn, gave way a unique ideology to the German as well as European political literature.. Conclusion: Discussion in the preceding pages shows that Nazism was based on strong ideological perceptions. Darwinism was the main component of the Nazi Ideology. It provided justification for the future Nazi aggression.References
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