Types of Affection and Its Effects on Mental Health in the Family
The existence of emotions in human being is one of the most important gifts of God that plays a role as the driving force in human life and is of a significant impact on human growth and development. Methodology: Family is the most important institution considered as the source of all human emotions and a place where the child finds the first grounds of his/her emotions and feelings. Results: In addition, in social interactions and establishment of connection with other individuals in society, the need to this aspect of human growth is felt. But the key point is that in expressing emotions and feelings, each person at first step must have an accurate understanding of his/her emotions such as affection, anger, hatred, envy, happiness, sadness, etc., and in the second step s/he must know and understand how, when, where and by interacting with whom s/he uses and shows his/her emotions and feelings. Conclusion: In the present paper, we aimed to investigate affection as one of the most critical needs of human being and study its forms and grounds, and finally analyze the effects of applying this divine gift on individuals’ mental health.References
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