The restrictive interpretation in favor of the accused in criminal law of Iran and England


  • Mahmoud Rouholamini Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
  • Alireza BarkhoriMehni Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Mohammad AminZadeh Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



The findings suggest that the restrictive interpretation of Iran's rights which is the result of the principle of legality of crimes and punishments, in most cases, emerges in favour of the accused. Principles such as "the legality of crime and punishment and the presumption of innocence are among the most important principles of interpretation. Methodology: The use of broad interpretation of criminal law in restrictive interpretation is much weaker than the restrictive interpretation and it will be used only in case it leads to interpretation in favour of the accused. By virtue of rule of (major penalty is not given in case of suspicious proof), place of interpretation in jurisprudence is not independent. Results: This interpretation is compatible with issues such as principle of innocence, authenticity and principle of permissibility and can be studied under these titles. But in England law, law is interpreted with literal method and text description. They think that the law text should respond to the events. Therefore, the wording of law shall be read according to the meaning understood by customary law. Less attention is paid to intention of the legislator and the spirit of the law. Conclusion: The court is not responsible for filling gaps of law   and compensating for its defect and silence because this means that the judge has acted on behalf of the legislator and has usurped legislation capacity and that the judge has rewritten the law. 


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