Effectiveness of Therapy Schema on healing the Basic Inconsistent Schema of Women with Extramarital Relations


  • Fatemeh Khosravani Farahani Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
  • Valiollah Farzad Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch




Extramarital relations during the past couple of years as one of the social scourges have led society and family to unpleasant consequences. This research with purpose of investigating the Effectiveness of Therapy Schema on healing and modification of Basic incompatible schemas of Women with Extramarital Relations in Tehran City has designed and applied. Methodology: The sample size in this research include of 30 women in during time from October 2013 until September 2014 that they referred to one of the counseling center in Tehran city and Was observed during clinical interviews they have extramarital relationships. Results: In this study, the method of  pre-test – post-test with control and experimental groups was used the testing by random replacement in two control and experimental groups was selected. Research data were collected through maladaptive schema questionnaire. At the end of treatment period, difference in scores of plot and control groups rating before and after treatment showed a significant difference. Conclusion: The results of the covariance analysis test showed that a treatment schema method is effective on healing and reducing two aspects of maladaptive Schema domains (disconnection and rejection, Impaired Autonomy and Performance).


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