An Anti-Propagandist View to Hermeneutic Interpretation of "Jihad" Verses in the Quran
Interpretation of sacred texts such as The Quran is directly related to the translating process that links the act of translation with the vital role of interpretation. In other words, a misunderstanding in interpretation of the Holy book will inevitably result in inadequate and incorrect or an absolutely wrong translated version of the text. Methodology: This holds true for much of the Quranic Verses , especially the misinterpretation of the Jihad verses, has led to a totally wrong understanding of Islam and the Moslem world. Results: In the West, the Islamic societies are correlated with violence and terrorism. Based on Gadamer’s theory of philosophical hermeneutics that identifies prejudices in interpreting The Quran, some pseudo-Islamic and radical groups like Al-Qaeda have also misinterpreted it. These fanatics with their deviant ideology have intervened in their interpretation of Jihad Verses to achieve their political objectives giving an irrational picture of the Islamic world to those who lack information are easily misled into misconceptions and misunderstanding. Furthermore, the propaganda against Islam is strengthened by the Western World. Conclusion: Thus, an anti-propagandist view will certainly introduce new openings and construct mutual understandings between the Moslems and the other sections of the global society.References
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