Introducing the relationship between perfectionism and trait anxiety in fifth semester students of scientific training and law fields in the Islamic Azad University of Sari in educational year 2011-2012


  • Dina Abdollahi Islamic Azad university of science and research of Tehran



This research has studied the relationship between perfectionism and trait anxiety in fifth semester students of scientific training and law fields in the Islamic Azad University of Sari in educational year 92-93. Methodology: Sample size determination was achieved 44 individuals according to Cochran formula. Survey and documentation method was used in this study and questionnaire was applied to collecting data. Results: Hypothesis test finding shows that there is significant difference between perfectionism and male and female students, in comparison between the male and female it was determined that the rate of the perfectionism in male is more than that of women, and consequently the rate of trait anxiety in male was higher than that of female. Correlation coefficient between student's perfectionism and trait anxiety was (0.37) in nature, while it was meaningful at the level of five per cent. Conclusion: In other words, there was a positive and direct relationship between variables, trait anxiety and perfectionism, which proved that increasing perfectionism lead to high amount of trait anxiety in the students.


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