“Death” in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry
Death is the definitive “in-itself” which cannot be experienced and it is beyond communication. Emily Dickinson was surely acquainted with sacredness of life in the presence of death. Death, the ultimate experience, is for Dickinson the supreme touchstone. Methodology: Death is personified in many guises in her poems, Dickinson’s imagery and effective use of the basic elements of poetry has produced a poem with several different meanings. Her conception of death and how she portrays it in “Because” exposes the reader’s mind to a variety of ideas about death. Results: surely, after reading the poem, the reader could never view death in a singular way again. Poetry at its best leaves the reader with new ideas about the topic at hand. Conclusion: As a result of the writing of the poets of the nineteenth century, readers are given many different ways of regarding various aspects of life in this paper We have discussed about her Perspectives on Death.References
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