Comparison of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Academic Achievement of Girls and Boys in the 6th Semester Payamnoor University (PNU) of the City of Sari During 2013-2014 Educational Years


  • Dina Abdollahi M.Sc Counseling and Guidance Islamic Azad university of science and research of Tehran



The aim of the present study is to recognize the relationship between student excitement intelligence and educational progress. Methodology: Statistical Society of this study is the sixth semester boys and girls students of Sari Payamnoor University. Sample population attained by kumara formula is 44 people. The approaches in this study are measurement and documentary and questionnaire is used for gathering information. Results: The findings of hypothesis test shows that there is a meaningful difference between excitement intelligence and the averages of boy and girl students, in a way that girls average was higher which indicates that boys have higher excitement intelligence. Correlation coefficient between average and excitement intelligence and its items (r=0.52) was meaningful in 1 percent base. Conclusion: In other words, there is a positive and direct relationship between two variables of average and excitement intelligence. 


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