Investigate the relationship between intelligence and creativity in childhood
The growth of intelligence in childhood, and most obvious of the human mental activity. Methodology: Bloom found that about 50% of intelligence growth from birth to 4 years, about 30% aged 4 to 8 years and the remaining 20% between the ages of 8 and 17 years old form. intelligence structures of the most important psychological constructs as well as creativity, as well as the psychological characteristics that are considered important in a society dedicated to the psychologists and people like Guildford, Torrance and addressed several theories have been proposed. Results: Regarding the relationship between creativity and intelligence and the importance of the role and formation of childhood and children at an early age in this paper was the importance of the relationship between the structure of intelligence and creativity and mental abilities and development of creativity in children considered and to review the literature on the relationship between intelligence and creativity in childhood and it was paid. Conclusion: Therefore nurture and reinforce the importance of creativity and intelligence and the importance of childhood in this paper was to examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity in childhood.References
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