Impossibility of Realization of Immaterial Plurality of Crime in Iranian Criminal Law


  • Hormoz Sohrabi Zolmabadi Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch



Immaterial plurality is a case in which the perpetrator commits one action but encounters several criminal titles.  This rule has been predicted in the criminal laws of many countries. Methodology: In criminal laws of Iran this rule is just anticipated for Ta'ziri crimes and some conditions are necessary for its realization such as its Ta'zir nature, unity of behaviour, realization of numerous titles, and the possibility punishing the criminal in relation to each one of the titles. Results: Since the subject is vague, the domestic foreign lawyers have different ideas in this regard. In this article it has been tried to investigate this principle in common classification of crimes with each other and to prove that this principle is not realized in each classification of simple and compound, instantaneous and continuous, absolute and bound crimes and also in offences of omission. Conclusion: Moreover, it rejects the possibility of realization of immaterial plurality of crimes through careful and detailed review of Iran Penal Statutes. 


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