Practice of Social Skills in Educational classes at the University of medical sciences of Lorestan, iran


  • Ebrahim Badparva lorestan University of Medical Sciences
  • Khatereh Anbari lorestan University of Medical Sciences



Potential talents of human can provide conditions for learning for changing behaviors. Over the years, the emphasis has been on active learning that can cause gaining skill in decision making and problem solving. In addition, universities are responsible for growing individuals with a creative thought and position of universities can be determined through evaluation as an instrument for confirming competence. The aim by the study is to practice social, cultural and training skills. Methodology: The present study is in kind of cross-sectional study that has been conducted through census in second half of academic year of 2012-2013. The procedure was as follows: after optional classification of students of laboratory science field to 6 groups with 5 persons in every group and chapters, every group selected a chapter in order to study and present in seminar with 5 evaluation indices, which were evaluated by 5 judges (4 elected students and a professor, who was also responsible for standard role as the fifth person). These indices formed a part of final score and were analyzed using t-test and 11 questionnaire options. Results: Comparing evaluations between teacher and representatives of students has not indicated significant difference and in regard with answering questions, 73.3, 80, and 66.6% believed respectively that better quality of learning, understanding issues, and also constant learning can be based on speech method. Also, 66.6% considered basis of selection justice and competence-orientation and 33.3% believed that the basis can be friendship orientation. Two third of learners had positive view on evaluation of selected students and 100% of them believed in positive social, cultural, and training role of it. Conclusion: The present study is social-training study more than being an educational research. Lack of significant difference between results of evaluating representatives of students and professor can indicate potential talents that could cause gaining majority of their votes, which were flourished involving their responsibility and self-evaluation. On the other hand, entrance of uninterested individuals to group work or social cooperation that is a requirement for social life can be output of such studies, which it is hope that they can be continued. 


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