The Concept of Translation in Different Teaching Approaches and Methods


  • Alireza Bahremand Velayat University



In these days, nobody can ignore the importance of communication. In recent years, international communications grow up increasingly; hence, translation plays a major role in transferring ideas and communication. Methodology: Translation is a tool through which a language with a different representation of elements and rather similar meaning is converted a language of different representation of forms, but still with rather the same concepts and meanings. Results: In this study, the researcher attempted to investigate the concept of translation in different teaching methods and approaches. To achieve this purpose, the status of translation was investigated in the most popular and translation should play a major part in the study of foreign language, twentieth-century theories of language teaching and learning have at best ignored the role of translation, and at worst vilified it.   Conclusion: With regard to the crucial role that translation plays in effective communication, transferring ideas, and conveying culture; the teachers should not ignore the major role that translation can play in learning foreign language. Teaching methods and approaches such as Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method or natural approach, and Audio-Lingual Method. Result showed that despite the wide spread popular assumption that. 


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