An Efficient banking system roles in a departure from Economic stagflation
Our country's financial system as well as developing countries are guided Based on a rotate banks systems, In other words, Banking system by having the largest share of the Community funds Supply plays a unique role, existence of the structure would be followed the economical negative consequences and problems in the country. Received 5 Sep. 2014 “Efficient banking system is the driving force of abandon of the stagflation economy.” Dr.Siyf, head of the Accepted 20 Oct. 2014 Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. " We also thought off that I am preparing an article in this context. Methodology: In this article, are referred to the creation of the banking system, and the challenges and obstacles to its Published 21 Dec. 2014 development. The author is brought the Efficient banking system and the usury banking operation rule in his written. Results: The usury banking operation rule will create the Efficient banking system and provide the economic prosperity. “The Place of banking system in the Resistance economy has been represented “He says Leader of Iran. Conclusion: Address of stagflation, existence of Iran’s Economy and the ways to treat it, are presented the banking system’s role in the departure of stagflation. I hope so to useful to respectable readers.References
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