The Relationship Between Supervision and Teachers’ Teaching Experience and its Influence on Their Classroom Decision Making in EFL Classes
This study was an attempt to explore the relationship between supervision and teachers’ teaching experience in the Iranian EFL teachers and its influence on their classroom decision making. Methodology: 74 male and female English teachers holding BA, MA, or PhD degrees participated in this survey. Classroom observation and a teachers’ questionnaire were used for the purpose of the study. The findings reveal that among the less experienced teachers those who had less than five years of teaching experience were found to be more influenced by the supervision process when it came to making decisions in the classroom. Results: These teachers indicated the importance of supervision for their classroom improvement and their teaching skills. Teachers with six to ten years of teaching experience appeared to be the most pessimists amongst others. In addition, from the results of the qualitative analysis it can be concluded that the supervision program obviously failed to function for those teachers who had 16 years of teaching experience and more as well. Conclusion: In this case, the program seemed to be only a paperwork job.References
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