Study of Spatial separation and social inequality and crime subculture
While spatial separation is toward separating economic and different social groups, residential neighborhood will become areas for interaction and contact within classes. Increasing contacts in the classes and decreasing contacts between classes leading to reduction of the role of middle classes that they are as a reference groups in poor neighborhoods and thus appear focus in form of subculture of poverty causing crime in these neighborhoods. Methodology: This research is a survey and its statistical population is the four neighborhoods in Sari city. The sample size is determined 120 head household's people, using Cochran formula. Results: The results of Pearson correlation coefficient show that there is a significant relationship at a confidence level of 0.95 percent and less error level of 0.05 percent between Spatial separation and social inequality and crime subculture. Conclusion: In according to the results of this paper can provide solutions, like expansion of public services and facilities in urban areas alike.References
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