A Survey of the Spiritual Intelligence in Organizations with an emphasis on Islamic texts
In recent years, spirituality in organizations has attracted the attention of scientists and researchers, and it is mentioned as spiritual intelligence. Much research on this topic has been done in relation to the organization and management usually refers to the relationship between spiritual intelligence with other components such as organizational commitment, job commitment, transformational leadership, leadership styles, emotional intelligence is discussed. On the other hand, the role of spirituality in the form the perspective of Islamic literature review, the importance of this issue and especially its impact on organizational processes are well seen and perhaps that is why some Muslim scholars in recent years have sought to examine spirituality and spiritual intelligence organizations. Methodology: In this article, spiritual intelligence and its components from the perspective of scientists and scientific literature were examined and then spiritual intelligence and spirituality in organizations is discussed from the perspective of Islamic texts. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the role of spiritual intelligence agencies are focusing on Islamic religious texts. Results: man was created to remember and pay attention to God and God is the shrine for all beings, especially human. Conclusion: Developing lean management and organizational patterns in every country, is based on a belief about the existence of a rational analysis from world.References
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