An investigation on the amount of employing total quality management principles by school principals and its’ correspondence with their affectivity
This research shed light on the amount of employing quality management principles by education department principals, at high school of Zahedan as well as on the correspondence between employing the principles of quality management and high school principals’ competency. Methodology: The main purpose of this research is to find out to what extent the quality management principles are employed by principals in schools, and what is the relationship between employing these principles and principals’ competency. In order to answer the questionnaire, the principals were divided in to two groups of up and down. From each school, three teachers were selected who completed the questionnaire of competency or affectivity. Results: In the process of determining the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s Alfa Coefficient was used. The coefficient for questionnaires, of quality management and principal’s competency (or affectivity) was 0.81 and 0.72, respectively. Conclusion: The results of independence T- test show that between the level of principals who have employed the principles of quality and that of principals who haven’t done so, there exists a meaningful difference. Statically result of Pearson correlation coefficient test show that between the amount of employing the principles of quality management and high school principals, there is a correlation of 0.85 which is meaningful at the level of 0.01 percent.References
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