Creative City Planning (Implications, Approaches, Functions and Indices)
The aim of this research is to plan for realization of a creative city, the implications and functions. Also, constructing creative cities causes development and flourish of urban life which in turn develops the level of relations of a city with other cities at national and international scales.Stress corrosion as one of the most important industrial injuries that always cause problems operation of industrial components. Stress corrosion of parts which are used in the aerospace industry could lead to irreparable disasters. Methodology: Creative city is a new and considerable concept in the field of urban studies especially civil management and emphasizes on being better the life environment and enhancement of life quality by new ideas of citizens. The idea for managers, policy makers and program planners, civil constructors causes expanding the horizons and analyzing strategies in confronting the urban problems, and respects the diversity of opinions and interests in the area of the city. Results: Constructing creative cities causes development and flourish of urban life which in turn develops the level of relations of a city with other cities at national and international scales. Conclusion: In this paper, the concepts and indicators of a creative city, implications and the role of citizens are studiedReferences
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