Investigating the Impact of Women's Social Base on their Political Participation: a Case Study on Women in Tehran District 2 (Shahrara)
The connection of human in social and political groups suggests the significance of social participation of people and determines the responsibility, performance and real or ideal situation of him/her. Social human requires social participation for his/her favorite government system; therefore, without active presence in politics, he/she does not her desired position. Political participation of women is also one of the important issues that are attracting attention in various fields of social and political sciences. This study aims to investigate the impact of women's social base on their political participation. Methodology: This research has been done using the descriptive method in a survey manner. The statistical population in this study includes 18 to 50 years old women in the region between Tehran District 2, according to its purpose. The sample size calculated by Cochran formula was 384 women selected randomly. Data were gathered using e-questionnaire and analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistical methods using SPSS software. Results: Findings of this research based on regression and correlation tests and analysis of variance indicate that there is a significant political participation, women, and positive relationship between independent variables (marital status, economic base, social base, age, social base, religion educations, occupational status and level of religious adherence) with political participation of women. Conclusion: The results of this research based on other researches and based on the research’s hypothesis and influence of independent variables on dependent variable.References
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