An Investigation on the Effect of Gender on Emotional Responses and Purchasing Intention Due to Advertisements
The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of gender on emotional responses and purchasing intention due to advertisement for commodities with high purchasing involvement. The statistical population included advertisement’s viewers and cell phone consumers living in Tehran. Methodology: To select the statistical sample random sampling has been used and to consider the ratio of men to women equal to investigate the role of stratified sampling has been applied. The sample size has been determined 384. To analyze the data and test the research hypotheses, simple regression and multi-variable variance analysis (MANOVA) have been used. Results: As research findings revealed, advertisement positively influences emotional responses and emotional responses influences consumers‟ purchasing intention. Moreover, the obtained results showed that the effect of advertisement on emotional responses, commodity image and purchasing intention. Conclusion: Finally, both men and women showed an identical reaction to cell phone advertisement.References
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