A Review on Reflection of Color Image in Blind Poets: Abolala Moerry as case study


  • Bahman Sheikhi Soumar Islamic Azad University Research Branch
  • Zeinab Lalvand Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch




Color is a feature that can be observed in everything. God has used it in its creatures. Humans who have sense of sight they can see it. However, some people lack this sense. But if these people are poets they can use them without seeing them before. Methodology: In the literature of all nations, there are blind poets who have used colors in their poems. Results: This article intends to deal with the Arab blind poets. For this purpose, Abolala Moerry is chosen as a case. Conclusion: Moerry has tried to convey the great conflict that symbolizes his age in Moerry's poems, colors are associated with things to create tremendous combinations that can be attributed to his philosophy of thinking.


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