Study of Attitude of Middle School Students Toward Schools Counselors' Efficacy in Helping Them to Solve Their Study, Job Personal And Family Problems
This research involves the attitude of Middle School students toward schools counselors' efficacy in helping them to solve their study. Job personal and Family problems. Statistical community of this research included all Zahedan Middle School students in 2010-2011 year and their number was 14638. Methodology: So by applying Morgan table, a sample of 375 individuals was chosen and this sample was used by method of random-classic modeling. Measuring tool of question are includes 24 answer- dependent that are based on three-degree scale (weak, average, nice) and its validity is estimated 92% by cronbach's Alph coefficient in elementary phase. Analysis of research data is taken by SPSS software and in two statistical levels of description and deduction. Results: and the results achieved show that There's no difference in girl and boy students attitude toward counselors efficacy in reducing their study problems; There's difference in girl and boy students attitude toward counselors efficacy in reducing their job problems; There's difference in girl and boy students attitude toward counselors efficacy in reducing their personal problems and There's difference in girl and boy students attitude toward counselors efficacy in reducing their Family problems. Conclusion: students study problems and books are common, So the girl and boy attitudes toward the efficacy of counselors is the same and there's no difference..References
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