Survey of Edward Syndrome Screening in 25-35 Years Old Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Treated in the Ardabil City in 2016


  • Jafar Aghaei Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Farnaz Farzaneh Dehkordi Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University



edward syndrome screening in women 35-25 years old with polycystic ovary syndrome. Methodology: The statistical population is pregnant women in ardabil & sampling method is by census women who referred to a gynecologist. A sample of 100 35-25 year-old pregnant women, 50 pregnant women with no problems and 50 pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome were considered. The questionnaire contains information such as age, previous history of trisomy in the family and children, taking folic acid, marriage, parenthood, gestational age, history of smoking or alcohol, or take any other medicines, and was completed using interviews and extraction of office patient records. The results of the experiment answers were analyzed and and for data analysis using kolmogorov-smirnov test for normalization of the distribution of data and using pearson correlation test fir evaluate study  hypotheses , the t test and statistical software , spss22,  used in significance level of  05/0≥p .  Results: The results show that average serum papp-a levels in mothers aged 35-25 with polycystic ovary syndrome under treatment in comparison with serum papp-a levels in the 35-25 year-old women with polycystic ovary syndrome and other mothers had a low level. The results show that average free β-hcg levels in mothers aged 35-25 with polycystic ovary syndrome under treatment in comparison with free β-hcg levels in the 35-25 year-old women with polycystic ovary syndrome and other mothers had a low level. The results show that average crl  of mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome in comparison with crl of unaffected mothers for having a  fetus with edwards syndrome has high level. Conclusion: The results show that none of the test used in this study has no chance for fetus affect by edward syndrome. 


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