Soil Pollution and Ways to prevent it in the Management of Urban Space


  • Somayyeh Janipour Master of plant protection



Soil pollution is one of the types of environmental pollution. Soils are as cathartic in nature. In addition to being suppliers of food, it has also refined property. This property can be obtained due to their physical properties, chemical properties and biological properties. One of the major concerns of today's agriculture is soil contaminated with pollutants harmful to human. Soil pollution is as a major environmental problem in the known world. Various sources of pollution such as agricultural pollution, oil pollution, heavy metals, industrial wastes and so reduce the quality of the soil, spread in groundwater levels and the incidence of other environmental problems. However, the lack of proper management of organic waste can lead to the increase of concentration of salts, heavy metals, pathogenic microorganisms, soil pollution, water pollution, agricultural products, fish etc.            


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