Investigation of the relationship between maintenance of the newborn in the family with some family characteristics in the patients referred to the health 52centers of Ardabil in 2017 year


  • S.F. Mosavi
  • N. sadegi



Introduction and purpose: The infancy is one of the most sensitive stages of life which is requiring the suitable recognition and proper care delivery. Since the family is considered as a valuable element  in determining the goals and determining specific needs and carrying out interventions for providing services to infants, the awareness of parents, especially the mother about how to correct behaviour with infant's problems and provide essential care in this per iod can notable contribute to improving infant's health. Therefore, according to this point, it is necessary to examine the families' awareness about the child care standards. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between family function in the context of infant care standards with some family specifications in the families referred to clinics of  the city of Ardabil in 2017 year. the research method: in this study, 132 families having newborn children referred to the Ardabil city's clinics were studied, which were selected in the available method. The data were collected through a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were also carried out. The data were analyzed by SPSS software. Findings: Out of 132 studies, 60 people (45 %) were girls and 72 (55 %)were boys. the results showed that as family specifications improve, child care standards will increase. As well as their age in family functioning is ineffective in the context of child care, but economic status and birth order variables have an  not effective role in family function. Discussion and conclusion: This study revealed that family function in the context of infant care standards is closely related to some family specifications as well as family specifications are capable of predicting the infant care standards, so as the family specifications increase, child care standards will also increase. Therefore, the most participation of people in respect of infant care is one of their effective means of empowerment, increasing the quality of child care, as well as raising the community health level. The rate of growth in early childhood is very high. The experiences children receive from their surroundings in these years are used as basis and basis for subsequent cross - learning.





