Following to growing trend of internet and advancement in ICT and along with quick expansion and rising potentials of cellular, it has emerged as a new business and converted into a market with high potential. In other words, internet development and creating of a new space has led to emerging another type of marketing called E-marketing and E-commerce and marketing have gone beyond internet space and Personal Computers (PCs) by ever-increasing expansion of mobile devices and appeared in mobile phones. Fast growth of wireless communication technology caused commerce and mobile internet to penetrate more than ever. No phenomenon has facilities and concerns of wireless technology in history of technology. Wireless communication technology has penetrated into all life aspects and dimensions including commerce and marketing and created many opportunities to create interpersonal relationship with customers in E-commerce world. Number of mobile users has exceeded from 5 billion peoples in the world. Perhaps one of those reasons is this point that mobile phone is no longer a device for conversation, but a means to do types of tasks and activities e.g. playing, awareness of weather conditions, finding routes and roads, access to social media, listening to music and watching movie and also reading news. Mobile promotions have been rapidly developed in E-commerce and various types of them appeared. The enterprises may target certain audiences and users can permanently access to them since individuals are accompanied permanently to their mobile similar to money bag. Despite their advantages, mobile promotions are exposed to many barriers. Among these challenges and barriers these promotions may encounter one could refer to right/ rights of consumers with regard to entering their privacy because mobile phone is deemed as privacy for individuals so one should be careful in this regard. This paper has discussed and defined quality of E-marketing in Section 2 and mentioned marketing and doing transactions by mobile phone via internet in Section 3. It has been concerned with advantages and potentials of mobile trade in Section 4 and barriers and challenges this novel technology encounters in Section 5 and finally a conceptual model has been introduced for factors of acceptance of mobile marketing by community members in Section 6.