The relationship between Hedonic value and utilitarian value with behavioral intentions and customers satisfaction in Gorgan fast foods


  • Arash Zabihi Rad Ali Abad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ali Abad Katoul, Iran
  • Hosein Didehkhani Ali Abad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ali Abad Katoul, Iran



This study examines the relationship between delightful and useful values with behavioral ideas and customers satisfaction in Grogan fast foods. Methodology: The research method is discretional, scaling – correlation. The volume of the statistical universe in this research includes all customers in Gorgan fast foods.  The statistical sample of study consist of 384 persons which are selected by kerjesi and Morgan table and the sampling method was simply coincidental. Using standard questionnaires were gathered the data research by library and field method. Results: According to Kronbach method are confirmed stability of questionnaires and the contextual method by the fluency of tools. Also, foe analysis data was utilized structural equations model method by Lisler software. Conclusion: The results of a survey show that among all variables, there is a meaningful relation between delightful and useful values with behavioral ideas and customer satisfaction in Gorgan fast foods.


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