Comparative study of cultural and social factors affecting urban and rural women's Burnout in Shahrekord Township


  • Mina Shirvani Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran.
  • Asghar Mohammadi Dhegihan branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
  • Faramarz Shirvani National University of Malaysia (UKM) ,Bangi , Malaysia.



This study, entitled "a comparative study of cultural and social factors affecting urban and rural women's Burnout in Shahrekord Township in the form of a case study is done. Methodology This method was a kind of causal-comparative is. The study of the Statistical Society of all working women in rural and urban areas of the city in the year 2013 has been established based on the information available total urban and rural employed 28712 is n. Results: The sample size of the study was determined against the person with 379 samples using a quota method combination;-cluster, were selected. For hypothesis testing research of using MANOVA test and SPSS software version, 19 is used to. Conclusion: The research results showed that the level of education and urban and rural women's satisfaction on the job Burnout and influencing them in between the urban and rural women is almost equal, and no significant difference in effect on Burnout but other variables with significant differences between urban and rural women employed Burnout they overshadowed him.


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