A Review of Ecommerce Competitive Advantages in International Trade


  • Fahimeh Rahimzadeh Naragh Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Mohammad Heydari Naragh Branch, Islamic Azad University,




Since the commencement of the internet revolution, many organizations have attempted to seize and utilize the opportunities it offers. Methodology: The internet market has become a commonplace business and contributes to nearly 30% of the global GDP. Even though there are geographical disparities in the utilization of ecommerce, the role and benefits of electronic commerce in economic activity and in trade across the globe is quantitatively and qualitatively substantial. Results: In this paper, the objective is to critically review, the electronic commerce in international trade in emerging economies. Conclusion: We specifically investigate the influence of ecommerce on the international global consumer by critically reflecting on its advantages and disadvantages. 


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