The effect of individual values of trust and acceptance of electronic services using structural equation modeling (Case Study: Customers Insurance branches in Tehran, Iran)


  • Samaneh Vahidi Azad University of North Tehran Branch
  • Jamshid Salehi Sadaghiani Allameh Tabatabai University



The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of individual values of trust and acceptance of electronic services using structural equation model among customers insurance branches in Tehran, Iran. Methodology:The research objective perspective, from the perspective of functional and descriptive correlational.At the beginning of the study hypotheses and research objectives and its necessity investigated and then according to the literature and history of the questionnaire was designed to confirm its validity by faculty and advisors been confirmed and to determine its reliability Cronbach's alpha that amount was used 88/0.Results:The sample size using Cochran was 384, the sample to insurance customers of Iran in Tehran are using randomly sampled between them was done and a survey questionnaire distributed among them was to analyze research data the partial least squares using the software were smart pls.Conclusion:Which ultimately results were obtained: perceived usefulness has a positive impact on the intended use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use on confidence and attitude is positive, and confidence in electronic services also has a positive impact on the intended use.


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