The relationship between corporate governance and value-added companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
One of the objectives of financial reporting is to provide information to investors, creditors and other current and potential users in decision-making related to investment and credit, and other decisions, be of benefit. Methodology:This study examines the relationship between corporate governance and value-added companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange The research methodology was descriptive, correlational survey sample included a total of 105 listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange company and the sampling study was a systematic elimination. Results:The data was collected in two ways library and taking notes and tools used Tdbyrprdaz software and a comprehensive database of information for the stock. In order to analyze the data using the software panel approach has been used 8 Eviews. The results showed that the duality Director and economic value of companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange there is a significant relationship. Conclusion:The concentration of ownership and economic value of companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange there is no significant relationship. Between managerial ownership and economic value of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange there is a significant relationship.References
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