The relationship between mental health crisis management and employee's grain and Business Services tri- state area (Fars and Kohgiluyeh andboverAhmad)


  • Massoud Mohammadi-Fard Yasoouj Branch, Islamic azad University
  • Rahim Ostovar Yasoouj University of Medical Sciences



This study aimed to investigate the relationship between mental health crisis management and employees was conducted cereal and Business Services tri-state area. This study is based on applied research, the nature and methods, correlation, time-sectional. Methodology:Given that the study population size is 338 persons Morgan table was used to determine the sample size A sample of 180 patients were selected through convenience sampling was used in this study. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire In a preliminary study has proven the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson) was used. Results:Data processing was performed using SPSS software. The results showed that among all aspects of crisis management and mental health Company employee's grain and Business Services tristate area there is a significant relationship. One could say that the aspects of crisis management The grain company and commercial services of the three countries will further develop employees' mental health will be better. Conclusion:Also in the regression model analysis Research on the relationship between mental health crisis management and employees grain tri- state area was determined that beta variable conditions (429 /.)... The most important role in mental health and related services of grain companies have tri-state area, and then learning the variable-beta (304 /.), Inhibiting the destruction of beta variable with (286 /.), Variable-beta recognition and tracking marks (113 /.) And identifying / preventing crisis-beta (055 /.) As well. 


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