Study of Relationship Automation and employee’s effectiveness (Case Study: Welfare bank branches Golestan Province)


  • Ali Reza Fadaei Aliabad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Ali Akbar Aghaei Aliabad katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University



The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between welfare automation of bank branches and employees effectiveness in Golestan Province.Methodology:By studying articles, books, use of databases to collect the literature in relation to the effectiveness of automation and assumptions were developed. The study population consisted of all bank employees welfare of Golestan province were selected. . To gather the needed information and hypotheses on the distribution of questionnaires, interviews and observation were studied.Results:According to the statistical methods including statistical analysis was performed and the average test mean difference test Researchers with the implementation of statistical methods to the study conclusions and make recommendations about organizations attempted to prepare. Conclusion:To achieve the goals and the efficiency of the administrative system due to the use of information technology is possible. 


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