Recognition and analysis of effective factors on investors' decision making in stock exchange of Tehran.
There are various factors considered in the investor’s decisions. The main purpose of this research is identifying and analyzing the factors influencing the decision–making the process of investors in Tehran’s stock market. Methodology: The statistic population consists of all investors in the Tehran stock market in the year 2009. Because of the high amount of investors, the random sampling method was used. Results: 130 samples were selected randomly. The tool for collecting the data was a questionnaire containing 25 questions, 23 of which were closed and based on a Likert scale, and 2 of them were open questions. The SPSS software was used for analyzing the data. Conclusion: According to the results, following factors respectively had the most effect on the decisions of the investors in Tehran’s stock market: political issues, clarifying the financial data, the type of industry and the volume of transactions of a share.References
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