Investigation on the effect of the variability of risk and funding on innovation on firms


  • Vahid Beiki Tehran University
  • Ebrahim Vahidi Elizaie Chamran Universityiran



The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the variability of risk and funding on innovation. This study is based on analysis of library study and also based on analytical panel (data panel data). Methodology: In this study, financial information of 109 firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2009 to 2013 is studied. To analyze the results of this investigation some software like, SPSS 20, Eviews 17 and Minitab 16 has been used. Results: The results in connection with the confirmation of the first assumption suggest that the variability of risk and innovation of firms, there is a significant relationship. Also with regarding of the analysis made in connection with the second assumption to the conclusion that between the funding of research and innovation, there is a significant relationship and Conclusion: Finally, according to the analysis made in connection with the assumption a third study found that the variability of the risk of financing and innovation, there is a significant & direct relationship. 


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