Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction of High School Female Students in Region 2, Zanjan in 2014


  • Farimah Farokhi Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University




The life satisfaction does not mean satisfaction of a special situation; but, it is the satisfaction from all experiences of life. In fact, the satisfaction refers to well-being in all aspects of life. However, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between religious orientation, mental health, and life satisfaction of high school female students in region 2, Zanjan. Methodology: For this purpose, using multistage cluster sampling method, 314 students were selected from first, second, and third grades as sample. Results: There is a significant correlation between religious orientation components and life satisfaction among high school students. Conclusion: The findings showed that there was a significant relationship between all symptoms of mental health (Physical symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social function and depression) and life satisfaction 


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