
  • Mashkhura Sheralieva Andijon State University



On the example of the materials of the novel ‘Lolazor’ (‘Tulips field’) written by an Uzbek writer Murod Muhammad Do’st the author of the article studies the problem of Irony and Intertextuality. Methodology: Intertextuality is analyzed as a means of expressing ironical relation to reality. It has been proved that in the novel ‘Lolazor’ the properties peculiar to anecdotes have arisen as a result of the relations of folklore of intelligentsia which became popular among the intelligentsia of the time with its intertextual relations. Results: Therefore intertextual properties of the novel have been investigated in close relation with stereotypes formed in the cultural environment and anecdotes created by intelligentsia. Conclusion: The article analyzes mainly the story ‘Uzoqni ko’zlagan qiz’ (‘The far seeing girl’) by Nazir Safarov, (1975) and the novel ‘Diyonat’ (‘Sense of Shame’) by Odil Yoqubov as a main source of intertextuality. 


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