Shanty Town and Socio – Cultural Problems in Sari City, Iran


  • Hossein Nazoktabar Payame Noor University
  • Ghadir Tohidi Payame Noor University



One of the important issues in today's cities, the issue is Shanty town. As we know the Shanty town affects urban context. Long time is depicted that inequality and economic turmoil, social and cultural scene in one of their unfortunate Shanty town the phenomenon. Shanty town is a phenomenon that economic factors, social and cultural security and lower rates that are involved in the emergence of two fundamental rejections and absorbing the village visitors comes from the city. People who financial and social life skills and job skills and cultural environment for any reason the city was deprived of living in cities. Methodology: Research method used, is a survey. The study population of Shanty town people formed living in the Sari as is done a simple random sampling. Results: Correlation analysis results showed that the immigration agents, quality housing, livelihood business, leisure, physical conditions and social belonging have significant impact of growth Shanty town. Conclusion: In according to the results of this paper, we can provide solutions to deal with the growing shanty town: 


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