Investigating the Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies to Increase Student Motivation and Probation


  • Mahbobe Hojati Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr.
  • Fatemeh Rezaei Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr.
  • Mohammadreza Iravani Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr.



The method of this study is Semi-experimental research method boy and girl first academic semester of probation, Methodology: including 200 students, of whom 50 were selected using stratified random sampling. And Bagmarsh randomly into two control groups (n = 25 for each group) were divided. Results: Instruments included the Academic Motivation Scale Harter and the average score of students in the second semester of the 2013- 2014 school year. Conclusion: The results of the data using analysis of covariance showed that cognitive and metacognitive strategies training have a positive effect on students' motivation.


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