The processes of switching code and copying of the code from English language into French in popular magazines, social platforms and books as the most creative aspect of psycholinguistics


  • Ekaterina Tutova
  • Borisova Anna Aleksandrovna



Recently, code switching has become the key direction in contact linguistics, that is, the process of transition from one language to another in the course of speech or in literary and journalistic texts. Our approach to understanding the theoretical part of the process is based on the analysis of multiple examples, representing every aspect of the language theory mentioned in this work. We have combined all the approaches to systematic analysis of the phenomenon and we are trying to find the most suitable by comparing various linguistic theories. However, in this paper we will also try to study a phenomenon adjacent to code switching - the copying of the code. Despite the fact that these two phenomena are closely related, the copying of the code differs from code-switching, because the latter is a process of switching from one language to another, during which elements of one code are replaced by elements of another. Copying of the code can be considered a part of code switching and is often a source for the formation of foreign inclusions. As a rule, only a bilingual linguistic person who has mastered languages in an organic connection with the culture of peoples, who are considered to be carriers of these languages, is able to adequately perceive speech in different languages. Searching for the necessary word, several variants of verbalization are activated at once (including variants from alternative lexicons), and the speaker makes a choice in favor of the most suitable, while all possible alternatives are suppressed.





