Socio-Economic Factors and Nutritional Aspects of Qashqai Girlsof Iran


  • Ali Reza Golestani Payam Noor University of Bushehr



Many studies have been done on the Qashqai of Iran by taking into account the cultural and socio-economic aspects. This is an attempt to study of Qashqai with reference to their nutritional status on the basis of anthropometric measurements. Methodology: The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of Qashqai girls of Iran and investigate their dietary customs. To assess the nutritional status quantitatively with the help of anthropometric measurements. A total of 371girls belonging to age group 6 to 18 years were selected from 500 households of Qashqai tribe. The anthropometric measurements show that height and weight values of the present study are lower than the NCHS standard. Results: The dietary intake of the girls of the present study in terms of caloric consumption is lower than WHO standard. There is deficiency in diet of the girls both in quality and quantity as compared to the accepted standard. Qashqai girls have faced malnutrition. Conclusion: The analysis of the data reveals a significant association between economic condition and nutrient intake. Lower the social-economic condition, lower is the consumption of nutrient, therefore the main underlying cause of low caloric consumption is poverty.


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