A survey on predicting breast cancer survivability and its challenges


  • Samaneh Miri Rostami Shiraz University of Technology
  • Mohammad Reza Parsaei Shiraz University of Technology
  • Marzieh Ahmadzadeh Shiraz University of Technology




Data mining is a powerful technology that can be used in all domains in order to detect hidden patterns from a large volume of data. A huge amount of medical data gives opportunities to health research community to extract new knowledge in different parts of medicine such as diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment by using data mining applications in order to improve the quality of patient care and reduce healthcare costs. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and it is the leading cause of death among women. Data mining can be used as a decision support system to predict survival of new patients. In this study, related works in the field of breast cancer survival prediction are reviewed and by compromising these works challenging issues are presented. Pages:37-42 


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