Analysis of the factors that motivate human resources in the public sector


  • Soheil Hariri Movahhed Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University
  • Manuchehr Omidvari Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch



Identification and prioritization the needs of employees   are of a real importance for managers due to focus on these factors and consequently increase the level of motivation and human resources. Nowadays one of the most important assets of the organizations is human resources. In fact the motivated human resources are of much help to the organization improvement. Dare to be claimed that the public sector in Iran is the most important part of the economy that has low efficiency. One way to increase the efficiency of the public sector is to increase the efficiency of human resources belonging to this sector. For this purpose, staff motivation is crucial. In this research we have tried to examine the most important factors that influence the motivation of the human resources in the public sector.


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